ESSER III Use of Funds
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Every year, per Illinois Law, school districts are required to present prevention education to students in all grades, pertaining to the prevention of child sexual abuse (CSA), bullying prevention, and prevention of dating violence to older students. While this may be an uncomfortable topic to consider as a parent, statistics from the National Sexual Violence Resource Center are that 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys become victims of child sexual abuse before the age of 18. Children are most vulnerable to CSA between the ages of 7 and 13
Earlville CUSD #9’s Legally Mandated Prevention Education is presented by Prevention Educators from Safe Journeys (formerly ADV&SAS), School Social Worker, Robin Campbell, LCSW, and/or your child’s teacher. In keeping with legal mandates (Erin's Law, bullying prevention, dating violence prevention), that all grade levels receive education on abuse prevention every year, our school will once again be covering these topics with our students this school year.
In conjunction with this education, we will cover bullying prevention with all grades, including cyberbullying, and some internet safety. Programs are conducted annually, building on skills learned the previous year. Course content is age- and grade-level appropriate, to help students identify unsafe situations, skills to be assertive in saying “No!” to a potential abuser, to get away, and to tell an adult if this were to happen to them, or someone they know. The following is a brief overview of the focus of instruction at the various grade levels:
Talking About Touching (grades Pre-K- to 3) focuses on body safety and proper responses to dangerous or abusive situations.
Steps to Respect (grades 4-6) focuses on bullying and how to respond to bullying as a target and/or bystander. Sexual harassment and abuse discussions will be tied in.
Second Step/Healthy Relationships (Junior High) focuses on treating others with respect, being respectful of individual differences, communicating assertively with people, bullying prevention as target or bystander, and how to respond. Sexual harassment and abuse prevention discussions will be tied in.
Safe Dates (7th grade through high school) focuses on characteristics of healthy relationships, unhealthy relationship qualities, understanding abusive relationships and sexual abuse (what it is, how to prevent or handle it, the importance of telling someone about it, and how to get help.)
For more information about Erin's Law, visit the link http://erinslaw.org/
Bullying: https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/ilcs/fulltext.asp?DocName=010500050K27-23.7
Dating Violence: https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/publicacts/fulltext.asp?Name=098-0190
For questions about this program, please contact Mrs. Campbell, School Social Worker, at 815-246-8361 x18.